Parenting is a gift – and a challenge! Most of us are quite unprepared and since children are not boxed with a user manual, we need to learn on the fly. Here are 20 powerful, time tested tips for bonding with your child.
Go for a walk with your child. (If you have more than one, assign days, so that each has a special day with mom/dad).
Slip a note (with a loving message and a surprise chocolate / sweet) into your teen’s lunch box.
Say “yes” to something usually off-limits, like say, having ‘maggi’ for breakfast or maybe intruding into a space that is off limits (dad’s room for example).

Go for a walk with your child. (If you have more than one, assign days, so that each has a special day with mom/dad).
Show as much enthusiasm on things they find interesting – this is also a key to understanding your child’s strengths, abilities and interests.
If you quarrel with your spouse in front of your child, make sure that he also sees you make up.
When your teen’s room looks like an earthquake scene, just close the door and get on with your day – this is a great step that benefits both.
Connect with your parents and relations regularly. Let your children be a part of the process as well. – you are subconsciously planting a message.
Get out the glitter glue and make a birthday card for your child.
Tape a family mantra or slogan (for example – Tiger Tiwaris – Totally Indomitable or Smart Srivastavas – The smartest ever! Or maybe Unstoppable Duttas ( whatever fires your imagination and sticks to your tongue)) at a prominent place and invoke it whenever your child feels discouraged.
Give your child a chance to fight his/her own battles – before you intervene. This is the most important survival lesson you can give.

Like adults, even children have bad days. Hold off with the barrage of how-was-your-day questions if your child comes home from school irritable and tired. You can always go into the details later. Now is the time for a comforting snack or drink or maybe your teens favourite TV show.
Cultivate your own rituals and traditions: like say eating junk food on Thursdays, baking a cake on Sundays, taking a walk on Saturdays – I’m sure you know what I mean.
Ask your teen to teach you how to do something for a change. And once you learn it, be sure to tell him what a good teacher he/she is. – Again, this is an inspirational action, powerful and impactful.
Let your child overhear you saying something wonderful about him/her. You cannot imagine the pride and joy that generates.
Ask your teen to teach you how to do something for a change!
Print their childhood photos so they have something to look at daily. It’s a map of their journey.
Rev up the music in the middle of homework / study time and have a dance party.
Hang a whiteboard in his / her room to leave messages for each other.
Start a pillow fight.
Its great fun and a stress-buster for adults as well – get in there!
Share your old diaries, photos, and letters from when you were his/her age.
Thank your child when he/she does a chore / housework on their own—even if it’s just hanging up a wet towel (without being told) or switching off lights and fans, etc. This is a powerful way to reward desirable behaviour and also to teach courtesy and manners.
The world we live in is evolving at a rapid pace. To make sure that our children are up to speed, we too need to evolve, understand them and most importantly, learn how we can positively impact their lives! Keep visiting this space for more ‘Powerful Parenting’ information. Comments and views are requested for our evolution and to serve you all better.